November 09, 2007

Casino psychology. Compensating ?

Casinos have the reputation of being very good to their best gamblers. People seem to think that if they win, they will be entitled to many of the benefits the casinos offer as compensation, such as free rooms, free meals, or other amenities. Most people also appear to believe that the gamblers who are compensated are the best gamblers in the casino at the time. But this, of course, is not always the case.

Compensating the Best?

In truth, casinos do not always compensate the best gambler in the casino on a particular night. What the casinos are more concerned about is whether a gambler has the potential to bet large amounts of money or to make the casino money, possibly by betting large amounts of cash and then losing. The figuring of many casinos is that compensating players who have lost large sums of money will help to ease the sting of losing the money.

By offering these players free rooms, meals, and other goodies, the casino helps to offer the gambler a more rewarding experience. In this way, the casino can build customer loyalty and ensure the gambler will return for his next gaming experience. The casino thus makes more money in the long run by compensating its players.

Keep Spending Money

Compensating their players helps the casinos to ensure that people keep gambling and spending money at their location. The casinos can also ensure the people gamble for longer periods of time. Casinos certainly would not offer to compensate gamblers if it meant losing money since, of course, the house is all about earning profits.

Gamblers can also ensure the casino notices their spending habits. They can join a slot club, which offers gamblers an opportunity to keep track of their slot playing and the number of times they win and lose the game. The casino can base their offers for compensation on the gambler’s record.

A gambler can also request to be rated by asking the pit boss, or dealer, to keep track of their game playing. It is easy to tell from these instances that casinos do not always reward the best players with compensation, but rather they offer these amenities to people who offer the casinos the most amount of money in the long run.

1 comment:

punkoi said...

how about in Horse Racing? the owner must must take good care of the Horse.
or in Greyhound racing they should take care of the dog